How to Make Simple Arduino Electric Lock

How to Make Simple Arduino Electric Lock - The Arduino is used as a switch to control the lock itself, and is set to interface with a Computer.

The Computer sends serial data to the Arduino in which allows the electronic lock to be opened.
Arduino Electric Lock
The Computer itself allows many different ways of opening this lock such as just pushing a button, reading a bar code scanner, and even over Bluetooth with a Windows Mobile device.

This is a instructable for a very simple Arduino controlled electric lock. The key idea here is to be very simple as this was more of a proof of concept prototype type of thing.

Step 1: Parts
Well first you need a Arduino, i used a Diecimila but any type would work.
The lock i am using is La Gard ENV 1300 type lock, i bought like 6 of them for 10 bucks on EBay.
You can not use just any type of lock, like a regular door lock, it must be electronic based.

Step 2: Arduino
The wiring of the Arduino is very simple.

Its just a very simple set up with a transistor. 2N2222 from radio shack
Now i tried it with a few resistors and was having some problems so i just went without them.
Feel free to correct me on that.

The transistor is connected as so:
The signal from the Digital port is connected to the transistors base.
The power from the Arduino is going through the lock back out and to the collector on the transistor
Then it is going out the emitter to the Ground on the Arduino.

For more detail How to Make Simple Arduino Electric Lock :

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