Arduino Audio Input and Output using an Mic & Speaker

Arduino Audio Input and Output using an Mic & Speaker - This Instructable will show you how to prepare audio so that it can be sampled and processed by an Arduino to make sound responsive projects and audio effects. (This article is a companion to another Instructable I’ve written about building an audio output circuit for an Arduino, find that at

Some ideas that come to mind include:
beat detection- trigger lighting effects, build a set of turntables that beat match themselves, or make a robot that dances along with the music you play for it
amplitude detection- make a simple vu meter with LEDS
frequency analysis- you could make a project that reacts to different frequencies in different ways, recognizes certain melodies, turns audio into MIDI data, or translates incoming frequencies into square waves with the tone() library
digital effects boxes/digital signal processing- check out what I did with my vocal effects box (all processing done with Arduino), lots of possibilities here: pitch bending, distortion, sampling, delay,reverb, granular synthesis, mixing, and much more…  I’ve provided code in this Instructable that lets you sample at up to 38.5kHz.  Here is another instructable describing how to set up a simple audio out circuit with Arduino.
digital recorder- with the addition of an SD card of course (the Arduino has very limited memory by itself), this opens up the possibility of looping large samples and doing lots of other digital manipulations to pieces of stored audio  The circuits and code provided here are compatible with SD card shields that communicate via SPI.
graphical representations of sound- Arduino oscilloscope/visualizer

Circuit :

Parts list:
(x1) Microphone 
(x1) TL072  or TL082  (TL081/TL071 are fine too)  I used a tl082 in my examples
(x2) 9V battery
(x2) 9V battery snap connector 
(x1) mono audio jack 1/4″ 
(x1) LED 
(x1) 10kOhm potentiometer linear 
(x3) 100kOhm 1/4watt resistors
(x1) 10uF electrolytic capacitor
(x1) 47nF ceramic capacitor
(x1) Arduino Uno (Duemilanove is fine too) 

Additional Materials:
22 gauge wire

For more detail: Audio Input using an Arduino Board

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